INTRODUCTION (Font 12, Bold)
Contains background, research context of literature search and research objectives. Written in paragraph form.
The manuscript is written in Times New Roman font size 12, single spaced, justified left and right, one sided page, made one column with A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with a top and bottom margin of 2.5 cm, left and right respectively -each 3 cm. Manuscripts including graphic and table content must consist of 6-10 pages (3000–6000 words). If it far exceeds the specified length, it is recommended to split it into two separate manuscripts. EYD Standard Indonesian Grammar.
Author's name, iflation and address: Author's full name (without academic degree) is placed below the title of the manuscript. The order of characters based on their contribution to the writing process. After the author's name is written with a superscript number to mark the author's contribution. For one author, there can be more than one contribution, for example Rasyad1*, Abdul 2, Ninda Rahman3. Give the number according to the author's name, for example 1 Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Puangrimaggalatung University, Wajo, Indonesia. Correspondence address is the email address of the author who is the author of the correspondence, for example * Corresponding author : email:
The composition of the manuscript consists of Introduction, Methods, Research Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References.
This manuscript uses the American Psychological Association (APA) style as a reference citation. When using the APA format, follow the author's in-text citation method. This means that the last name of the author and the year of publication for the source must appear in the text, for example, (Thomson, 1998) and the full reference will appear in the list of references at the end of the manuscript. Quotations can be placed at the beginning of sentences, for example Brown (2005) states that ....... or sources are placed at the end of sentences, for example (Setiawan L, 2002).
The introduction contains justification for the importance of the research being conducted. The novelty resulting from this research, comparing the results of previous research or knowledge umbrella that needs to be displayed clearly. Complete with the main reference used. State in one sentence the research questions or problems that need to be answered by all research activities. Seven methods used and research objectives or hypotheses. Introduction does not exceed 1000 words.
METHOD (Font 12, Bold)
The method contains a description of the research design, data sources, data collection, instruments, population, sample and data analysis used. When using a questionnaire as an instrument, briefly describe its contents to measure certain variables. The validity and reliability of the instrument should also be explained. In experimental or interventional research, it is necessary to explain the procedure for the intervention or treatment given.
This section must explain how research ethics approval was obtained and the protection of the respondent's rights was imposed. Data analysis using a computer program does not need written details of the software if it is not original software. Place/location of research is only mentioned in general, for example at Lamaddukkelleng Sengkang Hospital. For qualitative research, this section needs to explain how the research maintains the validity of the data obtained. The method section is written briefly in two to three paragraphs of a maximum of 600 words.
Presented in clear, concise language are the results of data analysis to answer research questions including supporting theories, facts, opinions. Can be accompanied by illustrations (pictures, graphs, diagrams, open tables and photos).
These findings are sorted by research objectives or research hypotheses. The results do not display the same data in two forms, namely tables/figures/graphs and narration. There are no citations in the results section. The average value (average) must be accompanied by a standard deviation.
Writing a table using the following conditions. don't use column lines, row headings, and table endings (see example). Tables are written in Times New Roman font size 10 and placed in one space below the table title.
The table title is written with a font size of 12 bold, capitalized at the beginning of the word and placed above with the format shown in the following example. Table numbering uses Arabic numerals. The spacing between titles and tables is single spaced in font 10, and the end of tables and narrative paragraphs is single spaced in font 10.
Tables are laid out immediately after their designation in the manuscript. The table outline uses a 1 pt outline. If the table has many columns, you can use one column format on half or one full page. If the headings in each column of a table are long and complex, the columns are numbered and their descriptions are given at the bottom of the table. Avoid interrupting table by page.
The mean, SD, and t-test must include the 95% CI. The significance value is placed by not mentioning P at first. Example: The mean age of 25.4 years in the intervention group (95% CI). Based on the follow-up test between the intervention and control groups showed significant (example: p = 0.001; CI = ... - ...).
For qualitative studies, findings are usually written in the form of quotations from research informants. Table formats are seldom used except to describe participant characteristics, or to recapitulate themes or categories. If the quotation is not more than 40 words, then use quotation marks (") at the beginning and end of the sentence and include informants who provide statements without the need to create separate paragraphs. Marks (...) are only used to replace words that are not shown, not punctuation stop/pause.See the following example:
An informant stated that, "I have been treated at this place, all the services I have received have been good because the officers immediately provide services according to the queue number." (Informant 1)
DISCUSSION (Font 12, Bold)
Explain the discussion by comparing the data obtained at this time with data obtained in previous research. It is not recommended to write statistics or other mathematical symbols in the discussion. The discussion is directed at the answers to the research hypotheses. Emphasis is placed on the similarities, differences or uniqueness of the findings obtained. It is necessary to discuss the reasons for the findings. The implications of the research results are written to clarify the impact of the progress of the knowledge studied. The discussion ends with various research limitations.
CONCLUSION (Font 12, Bold)
Is a conclusion that refers to the goal. The conclusion section is written in narrative form. The conclusion is the answer to the hypothesis that leads to the main research objectives. Recommendations for further research can be written in this section.
REFERENCES (Font 12, Bold)
Any sources cited in the body of the article must appear in the references. The sources cited are from publications within the last 10 years. Citations and references refer to the sixth edition of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010).
Setiawati, L. (2002). A descriptive study on teacher talk an EYL classroom. Conaplin Journal: Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), hlm.176-178
Articles in online journals
American Diabetes Association. (2011). Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 34(1), hlm. 62-68. Diunduh dari http://care. diabetesjournals. org/content/34/Supplement_1/S1.full.pdf+html
Tambarkini L.. Jeklin. (2012). Latihan Fisik dan Kualitas Hidup. JKU,1(1). Diunduh dari http://www.
Ariawan, I. (1998). Besar dan Metode Sampel pada Penelitian Kesehatan. Depok : Jurusan Biostatistik dan Kependudukan FKM UI
Black, J.M., & Hawks, J.H. (2009). Medical Surgical Nursing (8th ed). St Louis, Missouri : Saunders.
Yanti, S. (2009). Analisis Hubungan Kesadaran Diri Pasien dengan Kejadian Komplikasi Diabetes elitus dalam Konteks Asuhan Keperawatan di RSUD Dr. Adhan W.D Payakumbuh. (Tesis). Universitas Indonesia, Depok.
Fitria. (2011). Interaksi Sosial dan kualitas Hidup Lansia di Panti Werda UPT. Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia dan Anak Balita Binjai. (Skripsi). Universitas Sumatera Utara. Diunduh dari Pdf
Depkes RI. (2008). Profil Kesehatan Nasional. (Online). Diunduh dari
Thomson, A.(1998). The Adult and The Curriculum. (Online). Diunduh dari http:/
Paper Seminar/Conference Proceedings
Brown, J. (2005). Evaluating Surveys of Transparent Governance. In : UNDESA (United Nations Departement of Economic and Social Affairs), 6th Global Forum on Reinventing Government : Toward Participatory and Transparent Governance. Seoul, Republi of Korea 24-27 May 2005. New York: United Nations.
Osumni N. Moluculare Genectics of Colorectal Neoplasma. Proceeding of International Seminar of Biochemistry, 18-20. Kyoto. MB.