Pengembangan Komik Hereditas Sebagai Media Belajar Biologi Pada Subkonsep Hukum Mendel


  • Angga Van Agustin SMP PGRI 400 Cibodas
  • Dewi Murni Universitas Sultan Agen Tirtayasa
  • Suroso Mukti Leksono Pendidikan IPA, FKIP, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Kota Serang, Banten



biology comic, media development, mendel’s law


This study aims to develop heredity comics as a media for learning biology in the sub-concept of Mendel's Laws. This study also aims to determine the feasibility and students' responses to heredity comic media. The research method used is the method of research and development (Research and Development). This research includes problem identification, data collection, product design, product design assessment, expert validation and improvement, limited-scale trials, and product production. Two lecturers and two biology teachers were involved in expert validation/testing. The limited trial involved 20 students of SMAN 7 Kota Serang. The heredity comics that have been developed are very suitable to be used as biology learning media, especially for the sub-concept of Mendel's Law, with an average percentage of 88.50%. The linguistic aspect has the highest score of 95%. Student responses showed an average percentage of 88.73%, which was included in the very decent category. The aspect of media presentation gets the highest percentage value, namely 91.25%. The linguistic aspect has the lowest score, namely 86.67%.

